Tales in Time 

Our 2024 Reading Challenge invites you to read one book each month from, about, or set in a different historical period!

We'll be providing monthly lists of suggestions, as well as passports for readers who would like to visit all twelve eras with us and earn a chance to win a timely prize!


January - Classical Antiquity

February - The Medieval Period

March - The Renaissance

April - The Enlightenment

May -The Industrial Revolution

June - World War I
July - Between the Wars
August - World War II
September - The Cold War
October - The Modern Era
November - Today
December - Tomorrow

January - Classical Antiquity - (~800 BC - 500 AD)

Works Written in Classical Antiquity

Works of Nonfiction About Classical Antiquity

Works of Fiction Set in Classical Antiquity


February - Medieval Period- (500 AD - 1450 AD)

Works Written in the Medieval Period

Works of Nonfiction About the Medieval Period

Works of Fiction Set in the Medieval Period

March - Renaissance Period

Works Written in the Renaissance


Works of Nonfiction About the Renaissance


Works of Fiction Set in the Renaissance


April - Enlightenment Period

Works Written in the Enlightenment

Works of Nonfiction About the Enlightenment

Works of Fiction Set in the 