Every Library Needs Friends!
Won't You Join Us?

We invite all of you who treasure friendship and love books to join us in service to the Eldredge Public Library and to the entire community. For newcomers to Chatham joining the Friends and coming to our library programs is the perfect way to meet new friends!


Friends Board Members 2024-2025










Executive Committee

President - Thomas Reid

Vice President - Joan Craig

Secretary– Emily Milan

Treasurer -Sarge Slicer


Hospitality - Ann Wade and Bette Hahner

Membership -  Marge Farquharson

Ways & Means - Janet Toenniessen and Patricia Gibson

Book Sale - Alice Reed

Learning Series - Bob Noonan

Nominating - Martha Stephens

Past President - Mary Ann Chamberlain

Historian - Ann Hosmer

Merchandising - Lydia Ouellette