Writing Groups


Chatham Writers @ 02633 meets every Monday (Mid-Sept through June) from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM to explore different writing genres.  Participants are encouraged to write a short piece of fiction or poetry each week to share with the group and receive guidance and feedback.   If you would like to join this group, please email John Chamberlain.    This group will meet in the Library with an option to join in via Zoom.



The Novel Writers Group meets every Tuesday (Sept - May)  to work on novels in progress.  Participants are encouraged to submit a chapter or about 1500 words by email to the group two days in advance to receive guidance and feedback.  Live group discussion is positive and focused on applying principles of successful writing.  Attendance is limited to 6 participants due to the nature of the program.  If you would like to join this group, please email John Chamberlain.  This group will meet in the Library with an option to join in via Zoom.

The Summer Fiction Writers Group will meets on Tuesday July 9 through August 27, 2024 at the Library from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM .  The purpose of this group is to help writers improve their fiction writing through respectful and unconstrained critiques from fellow writers.  This group is limited to 6 members to permit in depth reviews. If you are interested, please contact Joe DeRosa. 



Chatham Poets writing group meets every Wednesday  (except July- Aug ).  The participants are given a prompt each week and the the group will offer guidance and feedback.  This group will meet at the Library with an option to join via Zoom.   If you would like to join this group, please contact Amy Andreasson.



Chatham Memoirs Group meets every Friday from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.   Everyone can write about their own experiences, but do you need tips to make them interesting reading?  If you want to join this group, email John Poignand.  This group will meet in the Library with an option to join in via Zoom.