Meeting Rooms


Quick Facts:

We have three meetings rooms:

Available at minimal to no cost to non-profit groups

Kitchen Facilities

Professional Sound System

Professional Audio/Visual Equipment

Quiet Study Room offers quiet meeting space for 1-6 people


Forgeron Meeting Room Policy

Our Meeting Room policy is currently under review and use of the meeting room is temporarily unavailable to community groups and organizations.

Forgeron Hall, located in the lower level of the Eldredge Public Library, is available for meetings and programs. The primary purpose of the room is to provide appropriate space for Library meetings and programs to support and promote the Library’s mission of providing free and easy access to informational, recreational and educational materials. However, when the room is not being used by the library or by its support groups, it will be available for use by community groups and organizations.



The hall has a seating capacity of 150. The room can be divided in half with a seating capacity of 110 in the front half and 70 in the rear half. Meetings must end and the room be vacated ½ hour before the Library closes. Patrons who arrive before their room reservation time will not be admitted into the Library is the Library is closed. Please allow for set-up and break down time with you are scheduling the program. (See “User Responsibilities” section) All bookings are to be made by signed application at least two weeks prior to the event if possible. The reservation is not complete until the applicant receives a confirmation from a designated library representative.

Meeting Room Use

The Forgeron Hall is for meetings of non-profit community organizations, a substantial number of whose members are Chatham residents. Other groups may present informational or educational programs. No commercial activity or sales are allowed. Programs are to be approved by the Director and be of an educational, cultural or community nature and open to the public. Non-library meetings must not be publicized in a manner which suggests the library’s sponsorship or affiliation.

Performance acts must be sponsored by the library or by a local community group or organization. All performers are approved at the discretion of the Director and/or Board of Trustees.

The meeting room cannot be used for personal or family purposes, or company parties. The room may only be used by political groups for holding political forums where all sides of the issue are being discussed. Club meetings may be limited to members only but Clubs must be willing to accept new members from the community, space permitting.

The room may only be reserved by an adult. Youth groups may use the room if a responsible adult is present at all times.

Forgeron Hall may be used for art or craft displays for a period of two weeks. All items are to be hung from existing strips (no thumb tacks, tape, etc) or placed in designated display areas. The mounting and removal of display materials is the responsibility of the owner. A date and time for the mounting and removal of materials must be arranged with the Director. The artist mounting the display must sign a waiver accepting full responsibility for the safety of all items in the exhibit. No sales may be made in the library, but pertinent information may be made available.


The Forgeron Hall is available during Library operating hours without charge. Any requests for use of the hall other than Library operating hours will be subject to a fee of $25 per hour to cover supervision, utilities, and custodial services. Use of the room is contingent upon the Library’s ability to provide a staff member to supervise the meeting. There is a minimum fee of $25.00. If the Library is closed during your meeting time, library services will not be available to attendees

No meetings may be held at which admission is charged, or at which money raising projects are conducted. This regulation would preclude the holding of auctions, rummage sales, etc. (Requests for permission to use the hall for fund raising projects that would directly and solely benefit the Eldredge Public Library will be acted on by the Library Board of Trustees.) Selling of books, music cd’s or other related materials is only allowed if a portion of the proceeds is donated back to the library.


User Responsibilities

The sponsoring organization is responsible for setting up the room and for returning the room to its former state, including the removal of all support materials and equipment. Absolutely nothing may be stored at the library, and the library will not be responsible for anything left by any user of the hall.

Kitchen facilities are available upon request, including a stove, sink, refrigerator and dishwasher. It is requested that foods that create maintenance problems not be served. The sponsoring organization is responsible for clean-up of the kitchen facilities, tables and chairs. Under no circumstances should any leftover food products be left stored in the refrigerator or cabinets. Alcoholic beverages may be not served.

The users and/or sponsoring organizations shall be responsible for any damage or misuse of the room and its equipment. Payment for any damage or misuse shall be made in full within thirty days of notification of the amount due. If any individual or group continues to damage or misuse the facilities, that individual or group will have their privileges terminated by the Board of Trustees.

The users and/or the sponsoring organization shall be responsible for the adherences to all fire, safety, and capacity laws and regulations. No smoking is allowed anywhere in the building.



Tables and chairs are available for use. A sound system, television, video/DVD player, projection screen, compact disk player, cassette player, digital, slide and overhead transparency projectors, laptop computer, lectern and electric piano are also available for use. The user must provide additional furniture or equipment if needed. If the presenter is using a Macintosh computer, they must provide their own connector cable to work with our digital projector. Users must show that they are capable of using the equipment properly.



The Eldredge Public Library Board of Trustees establishes the policy regarding the use of the Forgeron Hall and is the sole authority to interpret these regulations. The Director has the supervision responsibility delegated by the Board of Trustees. Any and all parts of this policy may be revised, modified or amended by the Board of Trustees at any time. Exceptions to the rules concerning the use of the Forgeron Hall can be made only by a vote of the Board of Trustees.

The Town of Chatham, the Eldredge Public Library, its Board of Trustees, Director, Employees and Volunteers assume no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of any property of any group, individual or organization using the Forgeron Hall.

Due to the extremely limited parking at the library, it is advisable that, through advertising or newsletters, people can be encouraged to utilize other parking lots in town.


Quiet Study Room Policy

Quiet Study Room Application

Applications can be dropped off at the Library or emailed to Mike McCartney.

The Quiet Study Room is available during normal library hours for use by patrons who require a quiet atmosphere in which to pursue individual study, as well as to contain the noise of small group discussions.

The room is available on a first come, first serve basis unless reserved in advance. Patrons with advance reservations take priority. Reservations can be made by filling out the reservation form which is available at the Front Desk or online.

Individuals and small groups may reserve the room for their exclusive use. Some examples of acceptable use include tutoring, study groups, interviews, video conferencing and discussion groups. The room may not be used to distribute or solicit orders or sell goods and services. The room is not intended to be the regular meeting site of a group or organization. Noise must be kept to a minimum and should not be heard outside the room.  The room is not sound proof.

When occupied, the door is to remain unlocked. As is true throughout the library, no food or drinks are allowed in the quiet study room. Persons who misuse the quiet study room will be asked to leave.